18-19 April 2018 in Moscow, at the hotel “Holiday Inn Lesnaya” will be held Congress and Exhibition “Biomass: fuel and energy” – a specialized industry event dedicated to the production and use of automotive and boiler biofuels from renewable raw materials: ethanol, butanol, bio-oil, pellets and briquettes. April 19, the Congress will focus on the use of renewable raw materials in chemistry and petrochemistry. On April 20, 2018, there will be an additional seminar “SpirtExpert” on alcohol production technology for stakeholders. The organizer is the Russian Biofuel Association. The participants of the Congress will be agroholdings, producers of grain,sugar companies, wood, processors, pulp and paper mill, oil refining and chemical companies, housing and communal services enterprises, Participants of the Congress will be banks, venture companies, investment funds, engineering companies, equipment manufacturers, government officials, journalists, scientists – everyone who is interested in fuels and chemicals from renewable raw materials. EnergoLesProm LLC is going to take part in this event.
EnergoLesProm LLC will take part in the congress and exhibition “Biomass: Fuel and Energy”
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