One of the ways to recycle waste is pyrolysis. Pyrolysis is a method of thermal decomposition of polymeric materials or organic substances under the action of temperature in the absence of an oxidizing environment. In contrast to the methods of combustion and gasification during pyrolysis, the aim is usually to obtain products in the processing of raw materials or waste.
As a result of the pyrolysis of polymeric materials, three competing pro...
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Recycling Tetra Pak is complicated by the fact that, unlike conventional packs of cardboard or paper, such material consists of several components that must be separated from each other. Three-quarters of the packaging consists of paper, so the first stage, which is Tetra Pak passes, is processing to separate aluminum impurities from the paper and polyethylene base.
Next, the paper component of the raw material undergoes additional processing ...
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Peat and its application
Peat is a natural mineral raw material, which is formed in the ground with an insufficient amount of oxygen and high humidity. Such a fossil can lie at a depth of several meters, and at the surface. Peat is formed from organic remains of trees and plants, as well as from particles of various minerals.
Such material can be used:
in the energy industry;
in agriculture as a fertilizer or the creation of fertile...
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A huge amount of waste from the timber industry complex is generated annually in the world. Most of them do not find practical application; they are stored or burned without heat recovery. The placement of wood waste requires large land areas and the cost of their storage.
In the modern world, there is a decrease in reserves and instability of prices for fossil fuels, and this makes the use of renewable resources more relevant. Undoubtedly, lo...
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